Suddenly Slimmer Spa
Suddenly Slimmer Spa
3313 E. Indian School Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85018
Laser Hair Removal
"Best Spa For Laser Hair Removal in Phoenix |Scottsdale Arizona!"
How Laser Hair Removal Works Lasers light sources gently remove unwanted hair based on the principle of selective photothermolysis. This refers to the process whereby light energy causes thermal injury to the hair follicle. This energy absorbed in the shaft causes the temperature to reach a sufficiently high level in the hair follicle so that the targeted hair structures are destroyed and regrowth is inhibited. The darker the hair, and the greater the contrast between skin and hair, the easier it is to get good results from laser hair removal. People with little contrast between skin and hair (light hair/light skin, dark hair/dark skin) cannot effectively be treated by laser and are better candidates for IPL hair removal. Destroying the hair follicle during its active growth cycle is another key to producing long-term hair reduction. Consequently, multiple treatments scheduled several weeks or months apart are typically required to achieve optimal results. Indications Laser hair removal treatments dramatically inhibit the growth of: unwanted body hair from virtually anywhere on the body unwanted hair from even the most sensitive areas on the body Ideal for those with light skin and darker hair (darker skinnned people may be better candidates for IPL hair removal) Laser Hair Removal Advantages Permanent or semi-permanent Minor side effects Gentle and virtually painless Gentle compared with other treatments Little or no recuperation time Can target any area of the body Laser Hair Removal Efficacy and Safety The Laser is a single wave length laser that operates at wavelength that is ideal for hair removal. Lasers are the quickest and best option for people with lighter skin than their hair. Laser hair removal is non-invasive, and non-ablative Non-ablative treatments do not vapourize follicles and surrounding tissue, wherease ablative laser treatments use very intense laser bursts that heat the water within the follicle and surrounding tissue and vapourize it . Call 602-952-8446 To Book a FREE Consultation!
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