Southwest Skin & Cancer Institute
Southwest Skin & Cancer Institute
242 Whipple St. Suite 6,
Prescott, Arizona, 86301
Phone: 928-778-0808
Laser Hair Removal
How does the laser remove the hair?
Lasers produce pulses of high-energy light that is taken up by the desired target. For hair removal, the target is the brown melanin pigment contained within the hair root.
If the patient has dark skin, a large amount of laser energy is absorbed by the surface of the skin before it reaches the hair root, so it is difficult to avoid injuring the surface of the skin while treating the hair. For this reason, there are different types of hair removal lasers that are used today, depending on the thickness of the hair and the color of the skin. The Gentlelase laser is great for treating fair skinned people with dark hair. If your skin color is dark, you should request treatment with a different type of laser called Nd-YAG to avoid burning or scarring your skin. If you are bothered by blond, gray or white hairs, laser hair removal will not be effective; however, the Epitron hair removal system or electrolysis are other options more permanent than waxing.
How many treatments does it take?
Because the individual hairs are in different growth cycles, a series of 5-6 treatments are administered at four to eight week intervals to zap most of the hair follicles. After this initial series of treatments, subsequent treatments are administered, usually at longer intervals. After a single treatment, the hair in a given area is usually reduced in amount and thickness for a long period of time. However, it may not be completely gone. To keep an area completely free of hair, maintenance treatments are always required. These maintenance treatments may eventually be required at only yearly intervals or even longer. This depends on the area being treated as well as the individual. Since everyone is genetically unique, the frequency of maintenance treatments varies considerably from person to person.
Is the procedure painful?
The sensation of the laser pulse feels like being snapped with a rubber band followed by a slight stinging sensation. Treatments on the lip last just under a minute and are easily tolerated. For larger areas such as the legs, some people prefer to apply topical anesthetic creams for 30 minutes before the laser treatment. These are prescription creams which we stock in our office for your safety and convenience.
After the laser treatment, a cold Aloe gel is applied to the treated area which immediately relieves any discomfort. Topical Vitamin C and Vitamin E are also applied as antioxidant protection to reduce redness and protect from UV light, and these can be continued twice daily indefinitely.
Can I shave or pluck hairs before the treatment?
If hair grows in the treatment area before your next appointment, you may shave or clip the hairs with scissors but waxing or plucking the hairs is not recommended.
Is it safe to have just anyone remove the hair growth with a laser?
In experienced hands, laser hair removal is a safe and effective treatment; however, if the operator is unskilled, the laser energy may be set incorrectly causing burns and scarring if the energy is too high, or poor hair removal results if the energy is too low. You should ask the operator about his or her training and experience and ask for patient references. Many states now require all laser operators to be state certified; however, the training required to pass the certification test is minimal and does not include experience with all types of lasers. Your best bet is to seek care from a board-certified dermatologist who directly supervises the procedure. The cost is about the same, yet the safety margin is higher and if you have a problem, the physician is well-equipped to handle it.
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