Skin Spectrum
Skin Spectrum
6127 N La Cholla Blvd, Suite 101
Tucson, Arizona 85741
Phone: (520) 797-8885
Fax: (520) 797-1912
Laser Hair Removal
Unwanted Hair
Removal of unwanted hair has become one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in recent years, for women as well as for an increasing number of men. Treatments include the more traditional and often temporary methods, ranging from depilatories, epilators, shavers, waxing kits and electrolysis, to high-tech procedures such as intense pulsed light and laser systems. In particular, women often experience additional hair growth during both pregnancy and menopause. Some diseases also have excessive hair growth as a symptom, but they are less common.
How Does Hair Grow?
Human hairs are comprised of three distinct parts: the bulb at the base of the hair follicle that produces hair, the shaft, and the hair follicle itself. Both the bulb and the shaft are embedded within the skin, leaving only the hair visible to the naked eye. For long-term hair removal, the hair follicle must be destroyed along with its germinating centers that are in the bulb. Another challenge to the hair removal process is the ability to produce long-term effects. This is due to the fact that hair is destroyed only during the active phase of the growth cycle. As a result of these staggered growth cycles, patients usually require multiple treatments over several weeks to months for long-term hair removal results.
How Do Lasers Remove Hair?
While dermatologists continue to research the exact science of laser hair removal, it appears that the light energy causes thermal injury to the hair follicle. When the temperature reaches a high enough level in hair follicle during its active phase, the targeted hair structures are disabled, thus inhibiting hair re-growth. In clinical trials to date using a number of different lasers and intense pulsed light hair removal systems, some test sites remained hair-free for up to two years.
What Types Of Lasers Does Skin Spectrum Use For Hair Removal?
Skin Spectrum uses the Light Sheerâ„¢ Diode Laser System. The diode laser has a longer wavelength than other lasers used for hair removal, which may improve treatment results on darker skin types.
What Are The Advantages Of Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal is a non-invasive method of photoepilation, which does not require needles or messy chemical creams. Since thousands of hairs can be zapped in a single treatment session, large areas like the back, shoulders, arms and legs can be effectively and efficiently treated.
What Are The Limitations Of Laser Hair Removal?
While laser hair removal is an excellent treatment option, research efforts continue to enhance the procedure. Although permanent hair removal is the goal of therapy, some patients may experience hair re-growth that is usually finer and lighter in color. In addition, long-lasting laser hair removal typically
requires multiple treatments, which can make it a more costly hair removal alternative. Possible side effects, though very rare, may include damage to the surrounding healthy tissue in the form of scars, burns, redness and swelling. Special considerations are important when lasers are used on darker skin tones to allow for safe and effective treatment.
What Can You Expect?
The length of a laser session may be a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on the size of the area being treated. The laser treatment itself can cause a slight tingling sensation. Most patients tolerate the procedure well. But because some areas of the body are more sensitive than others, topical anesthesia is always available for purchase at the front desk.
How Do I Get Started With Hair Laser At Skin Spectrum?
A consultation appointment is necessary before proceeding with the hair laser. At the consultation the hair laser will be reviewed in more detail and all of your questions will be answered and a test site will be done. After your consultation appointment where a test site is done, your first hair laser treatment
appointment can be schedule 10 days later.
How Much Does Laser Hair Removal/Reduction Procedure Cost?
Prices vary depending on area and individuals. Please check our price lists for detailed information.
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