RX Skin Clinic
RX Skin Clinic
7336 East Deer Valley Road, Suite 115
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Laser Hair Removal
How did laser hair removal become the preferred way to remove unwanted hair?
Until very recently, shaving, plucking, waxing, and electrolysis were the only methods of removing unwanted hair. These methods are tedious, often painful and inadequate in producing long term results. In the early 1990’s, the first reports of using laser energy to selectively damage and disable actively growing hair follicles were published, and since the mid 1990’s, laser hair removal has become the method of choice for the removal of unwanted hair. For the first time, large body areas could be treated effectively with lasting results!
How does laser hair removal work?
There are several laser hair removal systems available today, but they all work using the principal of selective photothermolysis. Selective meaning discriminating; photo meaning light; thermal meaning heat and lysis meaning destruction. So, discriminating light seeks out the hair follicle where it originates (without injuring the area surrounding the hair) and is converted to heat energy that destroys the individual hairs. The generated heat energy is designed to destroy the hair follicle so it cannot grow back.
How many treatments are necessary?
Multiple laser treatments are necessary for best results. Laser energy has its greatest effect on actively growing, or anagen hair follicles. Dormant , or telogen hairs cannot be targeted by the laser until they become active. This usually occurs within 3 weeks to 3 months dependent upon the body area being treated. Usually 6-8 treatments over the course of a year will be necessary for satisfactory permanent reduction to occur as each crop of hair needs to be treated in its active growth phase. The female face, armpits, and bikini lines are areas which respond fastest to laser treatments- backs, arms and legs usually require additional treatments.
What is the ideal laser device for optimal hair removal?
Most laser hair removal devices have been designed for treating a specific skin and hair type. At Rx Skin Clinic, we have multiple laser hair removal devices that are designed to treat the broadest variety of skin and hair types. This versatility assures that you will receive the most effective permanent hair reduction possible.
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