Paradise Valley Dermatology
Paradise Valley Dermatology
12251 N. 32nd Street Ste 12
Phoenix, AZ 85032
Telphone: (602) 971-0950
Fax: (602) 992-4971
Cosmetic Services
Laser Hair Removal
Imagine having smooth, hair-free skin without shaving, waxing, plucking, or bleaching your unwanted hair.
The GentleLASE and GentleYAG are one of the most advanced, reliable and effective methods of removing unwanted hair growth. In this procedure, hair is removed to reveal soft, smooth, stubble-free skin. Light is passed through the skin's surface to penetrate to the base of the hair follicle, effectively disabling hair regrowth. Facial procedures last a few minutes, while larger areas may take 35-40 minutes.
The number of treatments required depends upon your skin color, hair color and coarseness of the hair.
Types of Lasers We Use
Unlike other treatments, the GentleLASE process is easy—requiring no creams or gels, no pre-treatment waxing, and no needles. In fact, laser hair removal is a medical breakthrough. Treatments are comfortable, treating hair follicles in a fraction of the time of other methods, using only the gentle power of laser light. The Candela GentleLASE system effectively treats a wide variety of cosmetic skin problems that before now were difficult or impossible to treat. The GentleLASE laser technology is known for its ability to provide permanent hair reduction for all light skin types as well as treatment capabilities for pigmented and vascular lesions, and wrinkles.
Gentle YAG
The GentleYAG offers a non-ablative treatment modality for permanent hair reduction, leg & facial veins, razor bumps, wrinkles and skin tightening. The GentleYAG system generates intense, long pulsed laser light through an actively-cooled hand piece. The laser disables unwanted pigmented hair follicles, thus impairing their growth. It effectively treats all skin types, including fair, olive and dark skin.
Risks associated with cosmetic laser surgery are considered negligible, however do keep in mind that no matter what type of surgical treatment you are seeking there is some form of risks involved.
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