16515 S 40th St, Suite #139
Phoenix, Arizona 85048
Hair removal is not just for women. Men are using hair removal methods in increasing numbers. Some suffer from hirsutism, because of endocrine disorders or medications. Others display hypertrichosis (excessive hair) that results from genetic or ethnic reasons.
The GentleLASE uses the unique Dynamic Cooling Device™, which enables faster treatment and offers greater comfort. GentleLASE has shown outstanding clinical effectiveness against all competitors, including the Ruby, Diode, and other Alexandrite lasers. It is the “workhorse†laser in the hair removal industry.
Why should I have the GentleLASE treatment?
This is a procedure to remove unwanted hair. The laser targets melanin, so the best candidates for laser hair removal have fair skin and dark hair and do not currently have tanned skin. In general, the more fair the skin and the more dark the hair, the better results the patient will enjoy, but other factors may influence the treatment process, and are generally best evaluated and discussed in person. The GentleLASE process offers safe and effective treatment.
What conditions are treated with the laser?
Traditional hair removal techniques, such as shaving, plucking, and waxing, provide only temporary relief. Until now, the only semi-permanent way to remove hair has been by electrolysis -- which can be painful, time-consuming and is limited to small cosmetic areas. Scarring, allergic reactions and ingrown hairs are all common side effects of all these hair removal methods. The GentleLASE safely removes unwanted body hair without damaging the delicate pores and structures of the skin. Facial and bikini areas are usually completed in under ten minutes; legs and larger areas can take longer.
How many treatments will I need?
Hair grows in cycles. The number of treatments required depends on your skin, hair coloring and coarseness of the hair. Everyone will require at least 2-3 treatments as the process is effective only on hairs during their growing cycle. Repeated sessions will be necessary to treat these follicles when they re-enter the growth phase.
We are currently a member of the hair removal journal, another credible source for information on hair removal.
©2005 Luminescence
