Ironwood Dermatology
Ironwood Dermatology
Address: 1735 E. Skyline Drive - Tucson , AZ 85718
Phone: 520.618.1630
Fax: 520.618.1636
Harnessing the Power of Light to Treat Unwanted Hair
New Treatment Options: LightsheerTM and IPLTM
Innovative, light-based devices have revolutionized the treatment of unwanted hair, offering gentle, effective and convenient solutions for both men and women. Both the LightSheer Diode Laser System and Intense Pulsed Light System (IPL) use targeted flashes of light to block the regrowth potential of the hair follicle. These treatments do not damage surrounding tissue and each device targets numerous hair follicles simultaneously, allowing for the treatment of large areas quickly and effectively.
What to Expect
The length of an individual treatment may last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on the size of the area being treated. The number of treatments required depends on several factors related to specific kinds of hair and skin. It is important to understand that hairs in an active growth phase (anagen) are most affected by treatments. Since all hairs are not in this phase at the same time, several treatments are necessary to achieve the best results. Practitioners design customized treatment programs, and give patients an estimate of how many sessions may be needed in order to meet expectations.
The treatment may cause some minor discomfort — patients often describe it as a slight tingling or compare it to a pinch or the sting of a snapped rubber band. Most patients tolerate the procedure well; topical anesthesia is rarely required, but may be an option when treating more sensitive areas.
The appearance of the treated area immediately following a session will vary from patient to patient, though side effects are rare. Any swelling or redness at the treatment site typically goes away within a couple hours, and most people are able to return to normal activity immediately. The best news is that many of the unwanted hairs are gone at the end of the treatment.
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