Dr. Gary Knighton, D.O.
Dr. Gary Knighton, D.O.
2152 S. Vineyard, 135
Mesa, Arizona 85210
t: (1) 480 539 1855
What is Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal is a medical procedure using lasers (an intense, pulsating beam of light) to target dark pigment, called melanin, in hair. When the light beam hits the base hair follicle (where hair comes from), the intense pinpoint heat destroys the hair follicle instantly while being generally undetectable over the surface of the skin.
Generally it works best for darker hair and is less effective for bleach blonde or white hair due to the lack of melanin.
Hair removal patients usually feel warmth, maybe even some heat but should not be unduly uncomfortable. Those with more hair or thicker hair may feel more discomfort or need the extra session or two to completely remove unwanted hair. Usually this is experienced during the first session with subsequent sessions being much lighter/easier.
Safe for face, arms, bikini lines, etc. hair removal usually requires a few visits once monthly or every other month to remove 80-90 percent of hair follicles. The typical client may need up to 4-7 sessions to say goodbye to stubborn hair forever! These multiple sessions guarantee that all hair follicles have been subjected to the treatment.
Yearly maintenance once or twice a year (based on the patient) is ideal to insure that new hair follicles do not return.
Is seeing a doctor better?
A doctor like Gary Knighton who has been doing hair removal for years has a gentler, more caring approach that patients appreciate as well as expertise in skin conditions. Be assured that Dr. Knighton knows what he, and the laser, is doing. To your hairs. To your skin.
So why go to a day spa or other establishment and be treated by someone unpracticed or with a minimum of education when you can see a real doctor and get better results without the soreness or redness that might be experienced when someone takes a 'one size treats all' approach and doesn't take into account skin tone, darkness of hair, amount and thickness of hair, etc.
What about machines for home use?
A number of new devices are now available for purchase to remove unwanted hair with varying results. None of these devices has demonstrated results comparable to professionally administered laser hair removal treatments, and they can be costly, in some cases over $500/device. We encourage you to see a doctor/dermatologist prior to using any such machine in your home. While generally safe, they have varying degrees of quality and strength and could cause skin reactions based on use, and any preconditions you may have. Most patients quickly realize that owning such a machine is not necessary with good, experienced treatment and an occasional return visit.
Other home remedies include 'sanding' the hair or applying chemicals to 'burn' the surface hair off. Such methods do not deal with the real issue (stopping hair growth) but only deal with the surface problem which will quickly return.
"Am I a good candidate?"
Actually with advances to technology, now just about everyone is a good candidate for Laser Hair Removal IF it is performed by a trained physician who knows how to apply the treatment safely and to best effect. Be aware that the lighter the hair the less effective the sessions will be.
A good candidate for laser hair removal has realistic expectations. You should understand that it takes multiple treatments to remove all hair. If you treat one leg and not the other, there will be much less, and thinner, hair for a very long time. But this doesn't mean there will NEVER be any hair on that leg again. So what I usually do is 3 to 6 treatments at 4 week intervals, followed by a maintenance treatment. This maintenance treatment may be after 2 to 3 months, or 6 months to a year, or a few years, depending on the patient. Generally speaking though, the interval gets longer and longer for maintenance treatments.
Darker skin patients often need to be treated with a special laser such as the Nd:YAG laser because that laser can "see" the skin less, but still see the hair. For more on removing hair on dark skin, give us a call. Getting treatment from someone with different lasers who is highly experienced in dermatology is a must if you have darker skin.
Facial hair
Unwanted facial hair on women often appears on the upper lip, chin and sides of the face. Before you decide on the proper removal method we need to first determine that the cause of the hair growth is not hormonal. We address this on your initial visit. If you are experiencing an abnormal growth of hair on these facial areas or if the hair is very thick, you should call us to determine the underlying causes before you embark on a removal regimen. Although facial hair removal is often called 'permanent,' a 50 percent to 70 percent reduction after three treatments, performed six weeks apart, is more realistic, although each person is different. As a trained physician, you will get better results in our office than with a relatively untrained day spa worker. On facial areas, maintenance treatments are usually necessary for complete removal.
We avoid laser treatment around the eyes- - on the brow area and in between the eyes, such as a 'unibrow' condition. Because laser rays can penetrate deeply, this is an area better treated by tweezing, waxing or electrolysis.
After Treatment:
After laser hair removal, no medications or bandages are necessary. You may notice some flushing or minor swelling for the first few hours. Avoid exercise and exertion for the first 24 hours. Perspiration from exertion may increase irritation caused by the laser.
Avoid exposure to the sun for several weeks after treatment. After this period, make certain you apply sunscreen whenever you're in the sun. Avoid tanning booths - the ultraviolet light damages the skin.
Don't wax or pluck hairs for three weeks before treatments.
Don't pick at or manipulate the skin in treated areas. The hair follicles can take 2-3 weeks to fall out.
Don't rub or scrub the treated area. You may gently wash the area with soap and water.
You will be given complete instructions when you come in and you are always welcome to call us to get your questions answered.
Copyright © 2010 Dr Knighton | 5 Pints Productions LLC
