Camelback Women's Health
Camelback Women's Health
4530 N. 32nd Street, Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ 85016
602-468-3912 p
602-840-0062 f
Hair Removal Treatments
Why put up with painful electrolysis treatments or waxing and the costs involved over and over again for unwanted hair growth? Why not remove unwanted hair growth once and for all?
Laser hair removal offers a more permanent solution to hair removal on the face, trunk, bikini line, underarms, or on the legs. The laser uses the same principle as vein treatments, only with lower power settings, in order to destroy the hair follicle. The energy of the laser is absorbed by the melanin (dark pigment) of the hair and results in permanent destruction of the hair. Dark hair, because it has more melanin, is more easily destroyed. Lighter hair can also be treated, but the power settings need to be slightly higher. White hair is difficult to treat.
Complications from hair treatments include mild burns, crusting and sometimes hyperpigmentation of the area treated. The treatment usually involves minimal discomfort described as a mild stinging sensation. Most hair falls off immediately, with the rest falling off in one to two weeks.
Because hair is always in one of three stages of growth, active (anagen), intermediate (catagen), and resting (telogen), and because active hair has more melanin, each treatment will only remove 20-30 percent of growing hairs. This is why 3-4 treatments with 6-10 week breaks between are necessary for a cosmetically acceptable result. Any remaining hair is usually thinner and lighter than before.
© 2009 Camelback Women's Health
